Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nearing the end of the beginning...

As sad as it is, our time togther was nearing an end. I knew I would see him again in 2.5 months when they came to Memphis to reopen the show on our turf, but the mere thought of leaving him was heartbreaking. The show opened and everything went smoothly. Between opening night and Closing night, we spent as much time together as possible. We went back to the park and played on the swingsets. I took him to The Tartan Shop, a souvenier shop, because he had never actually been inside it, and we would stay out very late and walk, talk and kiss. On closing night he brought me a red rose and sweet as it was, it was like the kiss of death, because it meant our time was almost over. The final curtain had fallen and all we had left was a rocking going away party and a trip to the airport. The night of the going away party came, and even though I was terribly sad, I spent a good portion of the day getting ready with the help of my female teenage friends. I wanted to wear an outfit that was not only classy, but memorable.
I don't know why I was worried. From the second I stepped off that train, he only had eyes for me, and the same proved true at our party. I walked in, our my eyes met, and we were inseparable for the rest of the night. We drank champagne, danced, and spent the entire evening trying to force ourselves to mingle. As the party began to die down, and everyone began to trickle either home or back to the dorm to finish packing, we slow danced until it was very obvious that it was time to leave. We sat down in a corner so that I could put my shoes back on, and he put his hand on my face, whispered "I love you" for the first time and leaned in and kissed me. I was 19 years old and this was my first and only one to date "Fireworks Kiss." As he kissed me I swear that fireworks were going off above my head. When the best kiss I have ever had in my entire life was finished, I said "I love you, too." And I meant it with every ounce of my soul.

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