Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Beginning Cont....

So I ended with the fact that I met a handsome young Scottish boy, and today I begin with our story. He asked me if he could carry my bag, and that is where it all began. Our American group had a lot of time to mingle with these lovely Scottish people. We spent hours rehearsing for days before the show finally opened, and very quickly, every chance he and I had, we were together. I went out with him and his friends after rehearsal. We would go to a pub and just talk for hours. One night, with a backpack full of beer, we went to the park, by the water and laid down and looked at the stars. We stayed there talking until very late, and I finally laid my head on his stomach and he kissed me. He kissed me under the stars on a clear, chilly night in Scotland in a waterfront park, and it was the most romantic moment of my life. I told him that I had always wanted a star named after me, because stars are very romantic. He walked me back to my dorm, and because it was so late, he had missed the last bus and would have to walk all the way to the other end of town, but he swore it was worth it. He kissed me goodnight and said he couldn't wait to see me in the morning. I will leave you with that for today. It wouldn't be fair to tell the whole story at once, now would it.