Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Before happily ever after

Hello friends, I am sorry that I have been away for awhile. I had some friends in town this weekend and I was a bit distracted. Now I am back and ready to continue with my story. I have double checked with my friends and everything is in order. The hotels are booked, the plane tickets are here, the concert tickets are purchased and even the train tickets from city to city have been bought. There is officially no turning back now.
I have decided that it will all work itself out. If I don't see him then at least I will have a wonderful vacation while I am there. I know that at least two of the people that I am friends with in Scotland know where he is and how to find him. Everyone seems hesitant to bring it up and I have the feeling that none of them actually know what happened between us, or else they just aren't talking. One of my dear friends from Scotland has arranged sort of a reunion dinner for me with everyone that is still around the area and I have a feeling that he has been invited. I feel that I will let fate take its course and with a little help from my friends, I feel that I will at least be able to see him again.
Now I have no idea what would actually happen if he told me that yes he still loved me and wanted to be with me. What would we do? Would he move to New York City, or would I stay there? Would we do long distance until we could figure it out? These are the things that you don't see in movies. Before the happily ever after, there has to be some planning, some discussions, some thought. Happily ever after takes some effort, which I am willing to go through if we both want to be together.
I feel that if nothing else, I simply need to see him again. I need to know if I still get all tingly when I see him, and if he still gets all tingly when he sees me. I am certain that I will know just by seeing him whether or not I still have these massive strong feelings for him which I have held on to for all of these long years. I wonder if every scottish guy buys some girl a star. Maybe over there its the equivolent of a class ring or a letterman's jacket. I doubt it and I still feel that it was the most special gift I have ever received and I will be able to cherish forever. Every time that I look at the stars in the night sky, I will remember him and the memories we made together.
I am very excited about my trip, and definitely excited about the possibility of seeing him again and working out all of these feelings that I still have. Today I will leave you with a thought: "Trying to forget someone you have loved is like trying to remember someone you have never met."


  1. I think you have to find him, it seems like it's what you want. Start with the telephone, before you actually go there. it's more direct, and you can do it immediately.

    The best luck!

